CRUD Admin-Panel with Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL Part-5 (Delete-Data)
Following code examine on how to create an admin-panel & CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) web application using Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL. Part-5 focus on Delete-Data.
- In above Delete-Data page consist of
<?php include('role-admin.php'); ?>
which seek if the login user is an authorized admin, if not it will redirect to “index.php”. “role-admin.php” code cast as below:
$user = $_SESSION['username'];
In above Delete-Data page consist of
<?php echo ($user); ?>
, which shows the login admin user-name derived from “role-admin.php”. -
In above Delete-Data page contain a link to “inlog-logout.php” which end the session and redirect to “index.php”. “inlog-logout.php” code cast as below:
- In above Delete-Data page below code snippet written to post the collected form data into “panel-admin-remove-on.php”.
- “panel-admin-remove-on.php” code cast as below:
$con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root") or die ("<div class=\"row\"><div class=\"span2\"></div>
<div class=\"span3\"><div class=\"alert-block\">
<a href=\"\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</a>
<strong>Error !</strong> Server Can't Access !
$db=mysqli_select_db($con,"dbnew2") or die ("<div class=\"row\"><div class=\"span2\"></div>
<div class=\"span3\"><div class=\"alert-block\">
<a href=\"\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</a>
<strong>Error !</strong> Database Can't Access !
$sql="SELECT * FROM contact WHERE email='$email1'";
$query=mysqli_query($con,$sql) or die ("<div class=\"row\"><div class=\"span2\"></div>
<div class=\"span4\"><div class=\"alert-block\">
<a href=\"\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</a>
<strong>Error !</strong> Check Log Info SQL Statement !
echo ("<div class=\"row\"><div class=\"span2\"></div>
<div class=\"span4\"><div class=\"alert-block\">
<a href=\"#\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</a>
<strong>Error !</strong> No Particular Record Relevant to Email !
$sql2="DELETE FROM contact WHERE email='$email1'";
mysqli_query($con,$sql2) or die ("<div class=\"row\"><div class=\"span2\"></div>
<div class=\"span4\"><div class=\"alert-block\">
<a href=\"\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</a>
<strong>Error !</strong> Check Log Info SQL Statement !
echo ("<div class=\"row\"><div class=\"span2\"></div>
<div class=\"span4\"><div class=\"alert-block\">
<a href=\"#\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</a>
<strong>Success !</strong> Record Set Deleted Successfully !
- Once the above code execute if functions and statements are true with verification of the database, it will move forward to Delete-Data if not error messages shown. Delete-Data page interface will cast as in below figure:
Now you have implement CRUD Delete-Data function. For further development of CRUD Admin-Panel Web-Application read the below articles.
CRUD Admin-Panel with Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL Part-1 (Admin-Panel)
CRUD Admin-Panel with Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL Part-2 (Create-Data)
CRUD Admin-Panel with Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL Part-3 (Read-Data)
CRUD Admin-Panel with Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL Part-4 (Update-Data)
CRUD Admin-Panel with Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL Part-5 (Delete-Data)
CRUD Admin-Panel with Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL Part-6 (Database-Implementation)