Following code examine on how to integrate and customize advance form validation to a web application, instead of using vanilla bootstrap form validation.
Vanilla Bootstrap Form Validation:
Few years’ way back Client-side form validation is a mess, but these days Client-side form validation can be done simply with integration of Front-End Frameworks such as “bootstrap”. Due to its simplicity nature, basic bootstrap form with validation outlook as below:
Customizable Advance Form Validation:
When it comes to multiple forms and advance form fields these build-in validations get tricky & annoying, that’s where something like customizable form validation-engine comes in handy. The following steps can be used to integrate it into your web application.
This validation-engine base on jQuery (A JavaScript Library), first of all you need to install jQuery to your web application. There are few ways to add it to your web application, the most common ways are:
Download the jQuery Library & add it to local development location
Note: It’s always a proper tendency to include jQuery or JavaScript in the end of the body-tag just before closing.
Download & include validation-engine to local development path (This contains validation-engine & customizable theme CSS)
To activate the binds in-between validation-engine & the actual form is can be linked by form “id”
Sample form field validations
The validation-engine attributes are call by “class”, sample code segments are as below:
Dependant form validations
Check whether passwords matched or not
This validation-engine comes with endless number of customizations to form-validation. To commit accurate & specific data into a database is very crucial, furthermore this validation-engine is highly efficient & effective. For more information read the official documentation on website.